get ready to build a

business you're *obsessed* with

your 7-day business glow-up 

it's time for a business glow-up

7 day business bootcamp challenge

Imagine receiving powerhouse emails filled to the brim with insightful content, paradigm-shifting reflection prompts, value-packed videos, & powerful exercises delivered straight to your inbox every single day for a week straight!

The 7 Day Business Glow Up is for YOU if…

You're a badass values-led entrepreneur who's starting or revamping your service-based business.

You're ready and eager to uplevel your business - but don’t currently have the cash flow, time, or energy to pour into super time intensive and expensive coaching support and programs. 

You want big time clarity, impact, and results - FAST - around your business goals and next steps.

An intentional & thoughtfully curated experience that will get you crystal clear on exactly what you need to do next to build the business of your dreams.

There's no holding back or storing secrets - we don't gatekeep round here!

about the glow up:


It's designed specifically for values-led service providers who want to make a BIG impact in their business in a short amount of time.


It's a self-led email challenge that will help you recalibrate, refresh, and totally revamp your business - in just 7 days!


It provides structure, accountability, and guided focus via a powerhouse value-packed email delivered daily to your inbox for 7 days


These emails will guide you through auditing your business, clarifying your brand and purpose, sharpening your messaging, dialing in on your genius zone and desires, and identifying exactly where you need to recalibrate and what to do next

day 01

business audit

Gain clarity and avoid burnout! Learn how to zoom out from the daily business details with this simple yet powerful exercise that anchors you back into your mission and purpose, guiding you back on course whenever your business starts to feel too complicated.

day 02

money mindset

Examine your relationship with money and uncover how it’s impacting your business decisions with this 2-part exercise that helps you address both subconscious beliefs and the concrete financial goals you need to build a sustainable, profitable business.

day 03

brand clarity

It's time to understand why your brand is SO important and how to create a brand that is powerful, authentic, & magnetic! The clearer you are, the easier it becomes for you soul clients to connect with your vibe, values, and unique magic.

day 04

marketing strategy 

Never feel intimidated by marketing again! Marketing is simply about making yourself discoverable in ways that align with your personality and energy - without getting caught up in all the complex strategies you see online.

day 05


Elevate your business with ease and magnetism by geting crystal clear on who your most aligned, transformational clients are with this powerful Soul-Client exercise that helps you connect with those ready to fully embrace all that you have to offer. 

day 06

daily operations

Take back control of your most precious resource—time—by tracking, evaluating, and strategically managing your business tasks to focus on what energizes you, while delegating, automating, or deleting what doesn’t.

day 07

future vision

Celebrate your transformation over these past 6 days, settle into your future vision, and set your 90-day plan to simplify, release, and realign your business for ultimate growth, success, & impact.

i'm ready for my glow up! 💅

7 Day Business Glow Up
